Les & Mel's 20th Anniversary - Melissa Schroeder

Les & Mel’s 20th Anniversary

20 years ago, it was a hot June evening when I married Les. And when I mean hot, I mean, we lived in Texas and it was freaking June…and the AC in the church gave out. It was horrible, but we made it through that and the 20 years since. We have made 15 moves, lived in six states, and had two natural and three canine kids. I often make threats about stabbing him with a fork, but through all of that, I wouldn’t have wanted anyone else by my side. 


Categories: Life

9 Comments on “Les & Mel’s 20th Anniversary

  1. That is Absolutely Wonderful 🙂
    Happy Anniversary Melissa & Les!!!
    Enjoy your Very Special Day Together & Spoil each other!!

    Take Care & Be VERY Naughty LOL
    PaParanormalFan (Renee’)
    paranormalromancefan at yahoo dot com

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