Working again... - Melissa Schroeder

Working again…

So, I got yesterday off for the trip to Baltimore but now I am back at work. I am going to finish this Harmless book up ASAP so that it can sit for a week before I start editing it. I am pretty pleased with the way it is coming alone. I like these characters, like the added suspense/thriller aspect to it. There are a lot of new characters popping up. I might have actually found my first Harmless menage. Not sure yet.  Still trying to see if the guys won’t try and kill each other over her.

I hope you are having a great weekend. Here are some random gorgeous men to spend the day with.


Categories: Harmless

8 Comments on “Working again…

  1. A Harmless Menage !!! Goddess I hope they don’t kill each other because I really want to read their book !!!

  2. Tina and Brandy,
    Thanks. Another guy just came to mind, actually someone I had written off, but I think he might make an appearance in A Little Harmless Addiction. I know I need to write a menage for the series. It screams for it. Just have to find the right characters.

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