Mel's Nook - Melissa Schroeder

Mel’s Nook

For those of you who missed it on the other blog, I thought I would share my Nook video here:)


Categories: Miscellaneous

4 Comments on “Mel’s Nook

  1. Okay I’ve made it like 4 minutes in and I’m totally jealous. I want a new reader so bad now. Ethan has been using my Sony to do his school reading on and loves it.

    I think I might ask for a reader for Christmas. Wonder what will be coming out and the prices then.

    Oh and you already sold me on the 3G Wifi stuff.

  2. I hope it does happen. If they got low enough I wouldn’t be against getting the older 2 readers. Or me a new reader and one for the girl child. She was pretty jealous that I downloaded books for Ethan.

  3. You were wrong because your blog helped me decide that I do want one of these things so you did good!!


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