6 things I love about Anice - Melissa Schroeder

6 things I love about Anice

December 16, 2018


Hey, everyone. I still can’t wrap my mind around the fact that the Cursed Clan is coming to an end.Β  In just a couple days, everyone will be able to see how the Clan books end. It’s the first series I have ended like this so I am kind of nervous about how people will feel about it. I hope that all of you Cursed Clan fans out there.

  1. Anice is a strong, compassionate heroine who is the heart of the entire Clan.
  2. WOLVES. If you like shifters you will get a little taste of them in this book.
  3. Updates on the entire clan.
  4. Β Brody’s family the Stewarts are AMAZING filled with shifters and witches.
  5. Esme Stewart. She’s Brody’s cousin who happens to be witchier than Brody and brothers and sister.
  6. Brody is a swoon-worthy hero who is ready to lay down his life for Anice.

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