Lots of things in the works - Melissa Schroeder

Lots of things in the works

Well, I am super busy. Seriously. I have been writing and editing so much lately my fingers are aching. I am trying to get lots of words in before the cold weather hits.

For those of you who don’t know, I suffer from chronic pain. It gets worse as we get colder, so the winter months are particularly hard on me. I have offered to move to Hawaii during those months…my husband disagreed. He is a dream killer!

Anyway, I tend to write, write, write..in the summer. This summer has been strange though. We had some months we were living on the sun. Then, we would have record lows. It was a bit too much for my body to take and it kept just shutting down.

So, I am making up for lost time before the big weather comes in. But there is a lot in the works. Other than my due dates for my Entangled books, all of these dates and the order of the releases are subject to change.

Projects coming up:

  • The BossSpies, Lies, and Alibis Book One, Turned into Entangled-no release date
  • At Last, Fitzpatricks, Book One. You met Aeden and Wendy in One Night with a Santini and they are about to have their first book. The cover reveal is on 9/10. Release date: Mid October. Make sure to join my NEWSLETTER to get the free story, The Lost Night-the story of how Aeden and Wendy hooked up.
  • The EnforcerSpies, Lies, and Alibis, Book Two, Due November 15th
  • Tangled Passions, Task Force Hawaii Book 4 – Drew and Cat get their chance to find love. Release date before the end of the year
  • A Little Harmless...not named yet. Harmless, Book 12. Probably very late December or Early January.
  • The Charmer – Spies, Lies, and Alibis, Book Three, Due Feb 15th

And that is up until Feb. As you can see, lots of work to do, but I am super excited about the Entangled books, and getting to work with my editor who used to be with Samhain! That will be fun. Also, I have exciting news in the spinoff territory for a few series, but I am waiting to announce it. So much wonderful!



Categories: The Fitzpatricks Harmless Books Task Force Hawaii Life Spies, Lies, and Alibis Upcoming Writing

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