Maryanne's Song - Melissa Schroeder

Maryanne’s Song

As many people who read my blog know, music is a big part of my writing. So many songs inspire books or characters and for the Santinis, the women dominated the song picking.

Maybe it’s because I identify with them more. I know that for them, falling in love is more than just taking a chance. It could mean a big part of your lifetime will be dominated by the military. That is not an easy thing to accept and if it is, then you truly don’t know how hard it can be. Don’t get me wrong, I loved being a brat and a wife, but it isn’t a life for everyone.

So, for these books, there were a lot of songs that appeared on the playlists for the books, but each heroine had a song that just spoke to me.

Maryanne was so much fun to write. There is a lot of me in her. I was a tomboy to an extent, and while I grew up the youngest of two daughters, I hung out with my dad a lot. I loved being part of the military family. She is rowdy, says inappropriate things and hides a soft heart under a tough as steel exterior.

This song played a lot during my writing, especially when Leo was thinking of her. And Lee Brice reminds me a bit of Leo. Not in looks but he seems like a big old teddy bear of a guy and that is the way I think of Leo.

Have you read Leonardo? Do you think this fits Maryanne?

Make sure to check out Leonardo now on sale early at the lower price until May 5th!




Categories: Books Santini

4 Comments on “Maryanne’s Song

  1. I can see Maryanne in my minds eye. This is a help to make her more real to be clearer about her. Hope this makes sense to you Melissa.

  2. This song fits Maryanne, and Leo, so well. I LOVED their story and I can’t wait for Leo’s brother’s HEA!

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