Calling on Authors - Melissa Schroeder

Calling on Authors

I have decided to get serious about my blogging, but I know with my schedule, I cannot handle doing a blog 5 days a week. There is only so much I can do. So, I am putting a call out to authors who might want to blog on my blog in 2011. Right now I am looking for January and February. Blogs will go up Mon and then Wed-Friday. Giveaways are not required but will get you  more hits, that is for sure. What I am looking for:

Excerpts for new releases
Character interviews
Series spotlight-ie if you have a series that has several books, spotlight the series, giving us a little info on each one.
Personal blogs, ie a day in the life of an author. Something you like to do outside of writing, ie movies, gardening, race cares, etc.

If you have any other kinds of ideas, we are open to them. Please let me know.
Spots will probably go fast, so make sure to contact Brandy as soon as possible. Give you a week of Jan or Feb you would like and she will set up the date.


Categories: Miscellaneous

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