Reissue - Page 5 of 5 - Melissa Schroeder

Show: Reissue

Scorched is BACK!

I’m so excited that Scorched is out EVERYWHERE today. Also, make sure you check out the little bit of info I have on her brothers’ books coming up next year!  

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Sweet Patience…

Sweet Patience is one of my classic short stories, but I have expanded it by several thousand words. It is still a short so I am only charging 0.99! Still waiting on Kobo, but the rest of the outlets have it live. All Buy Links  

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Preorder Scorched today!

Scorched, my former Kindle Worlds book, is now up for preorder everywhere in digital.  I’ve expanded the book a bit, adding a brand new epilogue. It will be in print also.  There will be three novellas to match this one, featuring Misty’s brothers  later in 2019. SCORCHED About | Read | Buy

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Back on the Market!

Just in time for the holidays, The Santinis Collection, Vol 2 is back on the market! You can get all three books for $6.99. That is a savings of over $3.50 which is like getting one of the books for free.   SaveSave SaveSave

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