Reissue - Page 4 of 5 - Melissa Schroeder

Show: Reissue

A New Look for Hawaiian Holidays!

            I am so excited about my upcoming 15 year publishing anniversary! For it, I will have some older books reissuing with BRAND NEW EPILOGUES! The first three are the books of Hawaiian Holidays. The three short novellas will release on July 4th, all for .99 and will be available in […]

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Primal Instincts is live!

Hey, Primal Instincts is here and ready to be downloaded. It’s only .99 and in Kindle Unlimited. Remember, this was originally entitled The Alpha’s Saving Grace and is basically the same.

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Delilah’s Downfall is out now!

Finally, Delilah is back in the wild. I expanded the book, changing it up a bit, and adding an epilogue. Make sure you grab it up today and remember, TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO GET Conquering India on sale.

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WIP Wed: Delilah’s Downfall

Next month, Delilah’s Downfall re-releases. I am expanding the book a bit so I am going through the edits like it is a new book. “Can I help you?” The deep, rich male voice sent a wave of heat down her spine. She couldn’t clearly see the person who had spoken. He was just a […]

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