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It’s a Bundle Countdown Deal!!!

This weekend, I have two of my bestselling bundles on a countdown deal on Amazon US and UK. You have just a few days to grab them up before they go back up to the original price of $7.99!

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Nine Things I Love About Scrumptious!

It’s release day for Scrumptious today and I am so freaking excited for it. I love that everyone is finally going to get to read the final book in the Camos and Cupcakes series. I am sad that this is the last of the main series, but there is so much coming from this world. […]

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It’s a Camos and Cupcakes Sale!

With Scrumptious coming next week, you can catch up with this sale. Delicious is free and Luscious is on a countdown deal on the US and UK sites. Don’t miss out on this sale! And while you’re at it, make sure preorder Scrumptious so you don’t miss out on the release.

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The Santinis Collection Volume 3 is here!

Finally, the newest bundle of Santini books is here. Remember, you can purchase the bundle or download it free as part of your Kindle Unlimited subscriptions. And don’t forget that Volume 1 and Volume 2 are part of Kindle Unlimited now!

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