FAQ: What is your next book and when can I buy it? - Melissa Schroeder

What is your next book and when can I buy it?

My coming soon page is where I will always post information about my upcoming books. If it’s not there, either I don’t know or it’s not definite. I promise, if I know, you’ll know.

For new content and info like upcoming books, new excerpts, new reader questions, and just new stuff in general, please consider subscribing to my site’s News Feed (be sure to click on each post’s “Read More”). Like what you see? Excellent! Click on the pink “Sign up for MelissaSchroeder.net News→” at the top of the News Page, or just click here.

Additionally, I have an awesome Facebook group: The Harmless Addicts, and sometimes I “accidentally” post news there first (oops!) — please join us — we’d love to see you there.

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