Friday Figures - Melissa Schroeder

Friday Figures

Hey, ho, everyone. Well, I am back on the writing wagon. I am slowly getting back to full speed, but I am not sure I will ever be at those 10K days I did before. I could do multiple days like that in a week, but with my back, I can’t really do that now. So, to keep me on track, I am going to account for any writing I do on Fridays. It might not happen every week. Next Friday I will be in Frederick Maryland at the FBF (come see me!!!) so I am not sure if I will check in. But, Fridays is when I will post the numbers for my writing, hurrah! I am doing this with the help of a wonderful tracking sheet from the super fabulous Sidney Bristol.

This week, I am accounting for all my editing on Grace and the first parts of Logan and A Santini in Love. Mostly from now on I’ll be hanging out with my Man Logan:) I only really worked him for a day.



Logan: 2540

A Santini in Love: 1540


Grace Under Pressure: 60000


Categories: Clan Friday Figures Santini