Happy New Year - Melissa Schroeder

Happy New Year

YAY, I love turning over into a new year. It is always a chance to start new, set goals and forget about any bad things that happened in the past year. Well, try to, at least.

Personally, I am taking on a few things, mainly my health. I am taking steps to make myself stronger, but I will talk about that sometime later. Now, though, I want to talk about how things will be going this year.

One of the coolest things about last year is that I have the right to do preorders on Amazon. It is allowing me to plan out my year accordingly. Also, readers will get a few longer books from me this year, but remember, that means there will be less out there from me.

First thing to remember: Only For Him will be on the site for now. I might do a wider distribution to online bookstores and that will not be free. So, of you want to get it for free, make sure to download it each month.

Second: Those of you who have been waiting for ANGUS, he is going to be here in April. After talking to lots of readers, I decided to change the marketing. Everyone loved the first covers. They were beautiful! But, most people saw historical when they looked at them. I needed to change it up and now I have some more beautiful covers.

ANGUS-APRIL 15, 2014

On preorder at AMAZON

A man who only believes in fact.

Even after everything the Clan has endured, Angus has always held onto his scientific leanings. He isn’t a believer of instant attraction,  so, he is surprised by the force of his attraction to Irishwoman Maggie O’Conner. He doesn’t trust her, but she soon become an obsession he can’t seem to shake.

A woman who defies every logic.

Single mother Maggie comes from a long line of magickal women, but she walked away from that part of her life. When Angus bursts into her life, she tries to ignore the handsome Scot, but soon finds that she needs his protection. She knows he’s not normal, but she never expected him to be the one man who could capture her heart.

A need they could not deny.

As they work together, their need for each other threatens to consume them both. But just as they close in on the next jewel, a new enemy emerges and puts everything they hold dear into jeopardy.


Now, the rest of my schedule is…well flexible. I know that drives people crazy, but I can give you a few things that will probably hold true:






A Little Harmless Secret

Summer 2014



August 26, 2014



December 5, 2014


 That’s it for now. There are other little things that will be coming, but some of them are staying under wraps. Remember, this is my tenth year of being published but it also means that Harmless hits the mark in October! So, look out for a lot of cool things coming up for that.


Categories: Clan Harmless Books Life Semper Fi Marines Upcoming Writing

6 Comments on “Happy New Year

  1. That is so awesome!!! So happy to bringing in 2014 knowing that there is more Mel & Harmless on the horizon!!! And let’s not forget the Clan & Johnsons!!! Oh YAY for 2014!!!

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