Eli's Main Song - Melissa Schroeder

Eli’s Main Song

I have used this song before to right to, but out of all my Harmless heroes, this one fits Eli St John the best. Eli is a bit of a bad boy, and I know a lot of Harmless Addicts are looking forward to getting to know him better in A Little Harmless Ride. Still, even though he is lethal with his hands(former Special Forces), and is a bit of a man whore, there is such a strong core of goodness in him. As I wrote his scenes, it just amazed me how good he was. I knew he wasn’t all bad, but getting in his head has been an eye opener for me as a writer. There is also a bit of sweetness in him I didn’t really expect either. So, this is the song that whenever I think of him comes to mind.


Categories: Books Harmless Sexy Saturday Upcoming

5 Comments on “Eli’s Main Song

  1. Sorry about that folks. Ever since I moved to Word Press, I have had the issue of WP stripping the youtube video out of the scheduled post.

  2. Love it… I think Eli has definitely showed some of his bad side throughout the other books, so I can’t wait for the softer side to come out…

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