Guilty pleasures. I love those two words together. They are so evocative, aren’t they? You know what I’m talking about, the kind of things that make you start when you get caught (guilty!) but that make you laugh or smile or get squishy in all the right places (pleasure!).
I’ve had my flings with some common guilty pleasures such as eating raw cookie dough (the tollhouse lady was aghast when we called to tell them how much we loved doing that when the break and bakes first came out. I think we might be the reason for the label warning!), singing I Will Survive at the top of my lungs in the car (much to the chagrin and horror of my teenage son) and drinking chocolate syrup straight from the bottle (‘nuff said).
But when I sat down and really thought about the things I do regularly, I realized I am a creature of guilty habits. Here are my top 5 guilty pleasures:
5. Rock Band – I must be a frustrated singer. I love Rock Band. Love, love, love it. I eagerly await Tuesdays because it’s DLC day! What are they going to release next? You should hear me wailing on Don’t Fear the Reaper. On second thought, if you value your hearing, skip it. Just because I LIKE to sing, doesn’t mean I SHOULD sing.
4. Katy Perry – she’s not only my current girl crush, but I really love her music. It’s so much fun and easy to sing along too. Yes, it’s mindless bubble gum pop, but hey, it’s not called a guilty pleasure for nothing!
3. America’s Next Top Model – although I watch a bunch of other reality television, this one is by far my guiltiest pleasure. I watch to see what kind of bat-crazy shit the models are gonna do and Tyra is gonna say. And to see what hideous monstrosity Andre Leon Talley is wearing. Seriously, this guy is a fashion icon? OMG. I’m a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl, but even I know ginormous caftans aren’t chic. And they make your ass look huge.
2. Diet Dr Pepper – this year alone I have tried to quit the Dr Pepper five times. I am beginning to think it’s not going to happen. Each time I wind up with a three-day migraine (not worth it) and a powerful thirst that nothing else can quench. I take one drink of Dr Pepper and it’s “ahhhhhh”wonderful!
And, my number one top guilty pleasure is:
1. Porn – I can’t help it, I like porn. My favorite era are the old films of the 70s when the actors were, ahem, more actorly-like. And some of the movies had plots. Today’s stuff, in my mind, is just for titillation. And it works on me.
Which is probably why I write erotic romance. It’s a great way to explore the wonderful, wide word of sex without being a total slut or risking any communicable diseases. Plus, I’m not as bendy as some of the characters in my books! And probably not as adventurous. In Keys to Submission, my newest Regency erotica from Red Sage Publishing, my heroine finds herself naked and tied up in an old, dilapidated carriage house, awaiting the first taste of the whip. I’d probably be sneezing my head off. Or looking for critters. Writing that scene was both fun and uncomfortable. I kept checking under my desk for mice.
So, what about you? What are some of your guilty pleasures? I’ll be giving away a copy of Her Dark Master and Keys to Submission to one commenter in a random drawing. Please leave your email address and I’ll send the winner both e-books!
Jennifer August writes guilt-free about love, romance and lots of sex. Find her ménage debut Enthralled at Siren Bookstrand, her regency eroticas at Red Sage and other books on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Twitter: @jennifer_august
My number one guilty pleasure is reading erotica on my kindle. Menage, BDSM, and paranormal being my favorites.
After that, it’s sneaking away from the kids and sitting in the tub until I shrivel.
Shea Cashmere from B&B, gotta have it. The lotion, the hand cream, the fragrance mist. OMG, I could eat it, it smells so good.
Then there is my diet Coke, got to have it when when I wake up (no coffee here, yep soda). I usually end up drinking about 5 a day, bad, I know!
Both of your books look sound amazing, thanks for the chance to win!
Hi, Jennifer and congratulations on your release.
My guilty pleasures are: diet Coke (recent convert from diet DP) and chocolate. I adore reading!
Very good post!
Love it! My number one guilty pleasure is eating ice cream right from the container while watching cheeseball movies on Lifetime.
And glad there are others addicted to Dr. Pepper. I fear the day when the military moves us away from Texas and diet dr. pepper isn’t “on tap” at restaurants.
Hope I win!!! I’ve been reading Melissa’s books like they are crack.. would love a new drug. 🙂
Like most of you, I too am addicted to a soft drink/soda, whatever – my choice is Pepsi and yes no matter how much I try to give it up I can relate to that first sip and the ahhh moment. LOL It’s also the only thing that will quench a thirst and my day does not really get a good start without a taste of it. Glad to know that I am “normal” and in good company.
I take the 5th on any other guilty pleasures. 😀
pnc07 (at) aol (dot) com
My Guilty pleasures are reading tons of erotic and BDSM and somewhere cowboys are there lol… I love my Mt. Dew and Linkin Park and do like to watch porn as well nothing wrong with it:)im excited to read your books hopefully I can win one:) terra
I love a good regency BDSM story, my absolute favorite! I can’t wait to read your most recent relese, I’ll be picking it up soon. My guilty pleasure is erotic romance on my kindle and nookcolor. I’m always sneaking a few words in whenever I have a minute of downtime.
cdkros (at) gmail (dot) com
Chocolate. Erotica. Dirty fantasies cooked up in my hyperactive imagination to entertain just me.
And cupcakes. I loved cupcakes long before they became “in vogue.”
I love winter days snuggled on the sofa with a roaring fire, a large mug of tea and a big bag of Malteesers or tub of Ben and Jerry’s reading a scorcher of a book on my Kindle wishing I could be the lucky female enthralled with the gorgeous bloke that’s in the story ;o)
My guilty pleasures are ice cream, expensive lotions, and chocolate. Thanks for the giveaway.
MN – You’re my kind of reader! I just received my first Kindle and I adore it. Well, except for bathtub reading 🙂 I, too, love shriveling in the hot water. A 2-hour bath is not out of the norm.
Thank you Vicki, but how on earth did you managed to switch to Diet Coke from DP?!
Scoobykara – I love LMN. Makes me feel much better about MY crazy life! Nothing wrong with dipping a spoon in the container, isn’t it really just a big bowl, anyway?
Phyllis, my son loves Pepsi, too. I blame his father who always called it Pop. I thought he was talking to my dad.
Terra – I love cowboys in my bondage, too. Something about muscular men and ropes. Sophie Oak is the best at it, imo.
Thanks Chris, I hope you like the book. I think Regency Bondage is such a cool niche 🙂 I’m VERY curious about those other guilty pleasures of yours! Tease!
Ash – I love chocolate, too! I’ve always wanted to play with edible chocolate and body parts…
Mansonse – I’ve never had B&J, but I’m seriously tempted by Schweddy Balls. Good flavors AND it tickles my sense of humor, warped as it is.
Crystal – what’s your favorite lotion? I am currently in love with one I found at Cracker Barrel of all places!
Thanks for stopping by everyone!
My guilty pleasure is reading about BDSM and menage on my ebook. Just cant get enough of it. Love my coca cola and my iced tea with lemon. Dont forget the chocolate so there are my guilty pleasures. *blushes*
BDSM, menage are my favorites. If you can wrap it up into a series and I am hooked for life.
Tammy – I like lime in my Diet Coke (that’s when I can’t get DP, you understand)and only once in a while will do lemon in my tea. It’s such a taste difference with and without, I think. Sometimes I just want to taste the tea.
Marissa – I love it when books come in series as well. Although, I’m still on the fence about sequels.
Great article, Jennifer (and fabulous book!!) My guilty pleasures: Chocolate & HGTV (okay, yes, I’m weird, but I **LOVE** decorating shows!) LOL!
My guilty pleasure is reading erotic romances on my kindle, any kind, as long as the emotions are believable.
Also I love those chocolate santa’s or easter bunnies. I know ít’s the same chocolate as the bars, but it somehow tastes better when it’s shaped like that 😉
Your books sound amazing and I hope to be the lucky winner.
Congratulations on your new release, Jennifer! My guilty pleasure is…hmmm, I don’t feel guilt, just pleasure. Does that count?
Oooh I have loved Diet Dr. Pepper for years! Another guilty pleasure… peanut M&Ms, books, lots of books…. Thank for the chance to win!
greenshamrock AT cox DOT net
I never feel guilty about reading (not even smut) but I feel guilty as hell about eating chocolate (still eat it though ;)).
Now see, chcolate is one of my main pleasures, and I have no guilt about it whatsoever. LOL.
True guilty pleasures? The kind that make you startle if someone catches you? Now…I can’t say THAT in public. lol. (Yes, there’s obviously guilt there. )
One guilty pleasure — staying in my pajamas all darn day. Can’t do it on days when I work the evil day job, but I can do it when I’m home and writing. I usually only feel guilty about it if someone rings the doorbell at 3 in the afternoon and I have to answer it in my pajamas. lol.
My number one guilty pleasure is the books. When I discovered the erotic romance, and then the so many different genres I found one addiction that so many others I love too.
My second love is mango. I don’t know what it is but I crave that fruit more than chocolate, and I have a sneaking feeling that it had to do with the mango Gatorade. I caught a neuro virus in 2007 from one of my patients & was praying to the porcelain goddess for 6 straight days. The only thing that didn’t make me sick was Mango Gatorade, and it’s been my hydration of choice next to iced green tea.
Love chocolate as last guilty pleasure…*S*
Happy Holidays Melissa! Wishing you all the best!
Darn it….cat stepped on my mouse and it sent before I was finished,..left my laptop to take a quick shower and came back & there she was…sitting on my mouse! The little stinker!
Thank you Jennifer, and your titles look so very good…I was looking at them in another window…*S*
Thank you Jennifer..wishing you all the best too and Happy Holidays!
Thanks, Di, I love HGTV, too. And Investigation Discovery. Forensics shows rock.
Angela, thank you for the kind words. Do you eat the bunny ears first? I always do!
Kate – I like the way you’re thinking. Hmm. Might have to revise my thinking!
Colleen – Peanute M&Ms are darn tasty. Sweet & Salty, yum! Do you separate them by color before you eat them?
Ilona – I promise not to tell you eat chocolate!
Ssuan – staying in pjs all day long is my ultimate goal! Kiss the EDJ goodbye and hello fuzzy pj pants.
Darcy – cats are sneaky that way! I was giggling at your posts. I also love mango but have never seen Mango Gatorade. I’m so looking for it now, thank you!
Some of my guilty pleasures are m/m romances, sour jelly bellies, and watching the Real Housewives reality show.
caity_mack at yahoo dot com
my guilty pleasure is writing erotica. I am constantly writing new stories for myself. I get a scene in my head and I just have to write it down. Another guilty pleasure is my books. I read on average a book a day and my husband just shakes his head. if he can’t find me he knows I am sitting in a quiet spot with my kindle reading….
and last but not least Skittles. I can’t get enough I always have a bag stashed somewhere my purse for when I need that sugar rush.
Congrats on the New release and I can’t wait to read it.
My guilty pleasure is chocolate cake. The more icing the better.
Cathy – I am developing an m/m series even as we speak (type?) It involves cowboys. Nekkid cowboys!
HCNathan – I love that your guilty pleasure is writing erotica for yourself. I do that sometimes, too. The really juicy stuff is the best.
Na – icing. OMG, icing… Do you eat it straight from the bowl or can, too? I used to keep a can in the fridge and dip out a spoonful now and again.
My guilty pleasure are adult toys and clothing. I have so many pairs of hooker shoes that they have their own closet in my house. And I own about 25 bustier/corsets.
Loved the blog and your number one cracked me up. I had a feeling about you.
Claire – adult toys are quite fun! The variety is astounding!
Thank you so much for hosting me today, I had a great time.
Thank you ladies for sharing your guilty pleasures with me, too!
In a random drawing, the winner of Her Dark Master and Keys to Submission is ……
Darcy! (pommawolfemeraldwolfeyes)
I hope to hear from y’all again soon!
Thanks so much for coming to my blog today and sharing your newest release!
My guilty pleasure is reading romance, especially erotica. Less guilty these days, more proud of the books I love.