ATH: Denise Agnew - Melissa Schroeder

ATH: Denise Agnew

Give a big old welcome to Denise Agnew! She has a great historical to share with you and a Samhain GC!

Check her out on the Web:



A fallen woman must decide to stay down, or rise and fight…
Elijah McKinnon has been found innocent of a heinous murder, but it doesn’t erase the hellish years in prison he endured. He boards the train to Pittsburgh a changed man, certain he will never feel free until he’s wreaked revenge on the brother who ruined his life.
The passenger who catches his eye is intriguing, but he’s seen her kind before. The kind who puts on airsβ€”and looks down on Irishmen. Still, he can’t seem to stop himself from stepping between her and a pack of ruthless cads.
Mary Jane Lawson is grateful for the handsome stranger’s help, but her journey has a higher purpose: to rise above her shattered reputation and declare her independence, come flood or famine. Propriety says she should refuse Elijah’s suggestion they pose as husband and wifeβ€”for her own protection, of course. Her practical side says it won’t hurt to pretend, just this once.
Come nightfall, though, their little charade must be carried all the way to shared sleeping quarters, where their vulnerabilities become painfully clear. And when danger past and present threatens, trusting each other becomes a matter of life and death.
Product Warnings
A hot Irish accent mixed with high adventure may cause combustion. Beware of falling for this hunk. The heroine says he’s hers.Β 


She stumbled along in his wake, no energy to ask why they pushed onward into the woods where no one from the train could help them. Thinking that far ahead caused more trepidation, so she concentrated on planting one shoe in front of the other. After what seemed an endless time, a rocky outcropping and massive hill rose in front of them.
β€œThank the saints.” He tugged her forward. β€œHere.” He released her hand long enough to shove aside shrubbery and reveal a tall opening. She saw his throat work as he swallowed hard. β€œDamnation. I don’t want to go in here, but we must. I’ll go first, you follow.”
His voice snapped like a general, and she flinched. His eyes went hard, unyielding.
The darkness beyond the crevice appeared to be a wide mouth without teeth. What horrors lay inside? Unreasoning fear stilled her courage. She sucked in a quick breath. If Elijah could conquer his apprehension, so could she.
He crawled in, headfirst. When he disappeared into the maw, all went quiet. Even the wind didn’t stir, and the rain stopped. Her entire body quaked. Nightmares of deep, unknown places from childhood tormented her from the edges. They beckoned, dared her to stay brave and to remain sane.
Elijah’s hand came out and then his head. β€œIt’s larger than I thought. It’s a deep rock shelter.”
She clasped his hand and leaned down. He released her once she started inside. She crawled on hands and knees and discovered enough headroom to stand and several feet on both sides. Light penetrated from a large crack in the ceiling.
He inched around in front of her and made certain the hole stayed thoroughly covered by the foliage. Turning back, he stopped. He put one finger to his lips in a gesture of silence. He pulled his weapon from the inner waistcoat pocket and held it, prepared for use. They stayed that way for several minutes. Time stretched in front of her, an eternity of waiting, of anxiety ridden breaths and heart pounding apprehension. Safety still felt far removed. Now that they had stopped running, she heard her own breath rasping, her heart pounding in her ears as her body slowed. Reaction came without remorse. Tears flowed and fell to her cheeks. She regulated her breath by slow turns, and yet her body remained tense. After what seemed an eternity, he made his way past her and sat against one wall. He gestured for her to come closer.
She eased towards him on her hands and knees, her crinoline bunching up in the way. Frustrated, she frowned. She never hated fashion more than this moment.
β€œTake off the crinoline. We’re leaving it and the corset behind,” he said.
She hesitated and then realized the wisdom in his request. Mary Jane rose to her feet. β€œHelp me. I have to remove the dress first.”
He nodded, his face etched with a harsh determination. She turned away from him. Methodically he unbuttoned the back of the dress while she pulled the hatpins out of her hat and hair. As his fingers moved, a fleeting thought raced by. Even in these desperate moments of flight, his fingers brushing with heat through dress, corset and chemise somehow made her incredibly aware of him as a man. Then the thought fled.
She tossed the pins in a corner and flung the hat aside. She was surprised the thing had not fallen off before now. Her dress stuck to her, sodden with rain and made the buttons more difficult to undo. She would have to dress in it again once she removed the corset and crinoline, but what choice did she have? Before she knew it the shoulders and the tight sleeves eased away from her skin. Eager, she pulled the garment off her arms until she peeled it all the way down and it fell around her waist. She wriggled to shove it off her hips. She stepped out of the dress and worked on the ties that held the crinoline in place. As they remained quiet, a sense of urgency filled the air. They must hurry in case his brother found them and they must fight. She shoved the horsehair padding downward, and he came around to the front and knelt in front of her.
β€œHere,” he whispered. β€œLift your legs one at a time, and I’ll pull it off.”
She complied, and quicker than she expected, Elijah crumpled the nuisance and shoved it into a corner. Without speaking he returned to stand behind her and made short work of the corset laces. When it loosened around her ribs, she sucked in a breath. That felt so much better. Though she never worn her corset particularly tight, removing the garment was liberating. She took one deep breath after another. When he loosened it completely, he pulled it over her head. It, too, went into the corner.
Now that she stood in nothing but chemise, pantalets, stockings and boots, she trembled with cold. His hands rested on her shoulders for a second, and then he turned her around.
His eyes had lost their harshness, but they held no awareness of her as a woman. He had shut down for the fight, all efficiency in the face of danger. β€œI know the dress is cold and wet, but you have to put it back on. If they find us here…”
She put her fingers over his lips. For a few unguarded seconds, his eyes flared. She’d never imagined green eyes could burn this bright and hot with emotion. Quickly he shut it off, like a flame doused under a rush of water. He helped her back into the dress, which went much faster.
Once done, he sat, propped his back against the wall and stared at her. He drew up one leg and propped his forearm on his knee. With his disheveled hair, sweat beading on his forehead, and a harsh look in his eyes, he looked every inch the dastardly criminal. Part of her wanted to run from him too. After all, she was in this predicament because his brother had a vendetta with Elijah. His rumpled waistcoat hung open, dirt and something red smeared over one side. Worry speared her.
She sank to her knees in the damp earth in front of him. She grabbed the lapels of his waistcoat and parted them. β€œYou are bleeding.”
β€œNo. I’m not. That’s the blood of the man I killed.”
Her lips parted but nothing came out at first. She struggled with her words. β€œWe both… I hit that man with a rock, Elijah. I killed him.”
β€œI know, darlin’.” His voice softened, the rough understanding lowering his husky voice. β€œI know.”
More tears came, and as they rained down, her face crumpled.
β€œShhh…” He reached for her and pulled her into his lap.
He cuddled her close, his powerful arms providing shelter she desperately craved. She wept quietly, holding back the rage screaming fear. She shuddered and quaked. She saw a misery in his gaze, a genuine sorrow. She touched his face and felt the bristle of beard growing there. In those quiet moments, Mary Jane heard nothing more than gentle breaths, felt nothing more than his heat beneath her, cradling and comforting.
Understanding, like that she had witnessed before, warmed his eyes and softened his visage. His lips parted. She stared at that handsome mouth and wanted it on hers with undeniable desperation.
Closer, closer still, he tilted towards her until…his mouth touched hers with exquisite gentleness. When her lips parted under pressure, his tongue pushed inside. Retreated. Caressed. Owned her mouth with sweet, deep thrusts. She arched into that kiss, breath puffing into him, mouth moving in response, tongue tangling in carnal dance.
Elijah broke away with a gasp, eyes still blazing.
He leaned closer until he whispered in her ear. β€œIf we were anywhere else and completely safe, you would be beneath me. Naked.”
Blunt as his words were, they excited Mary Jane and made her forget their harrowing flight.
β€œBut we can’t.” His burning gaze lingered on her mouth, then recaptured her eyes. β€œI would put you in danger, and that’s the last thing I want. Promise me something.”
β€œAnything.” The word, so definitive and complete, left her throat without a pause.
β€œIf they find us here and anything happens to me, you fight with everything in you. You fight to live. You understand?”
β€œNoβ€”Iβ€” you are not going to die.” Her voice broke. β€œThat will not happen.”
β€œIf there’s one thing I learned incarcerated in Eastern State, it was that bad things happen and you cannot always stop them. If that bad thing happens, and I cannot keep you safe…you do what you need in order to live.” His gaze was fierce and demanding. β€œYou understand me?”
β€œYes.” The excruciating thought twisted a hot knife in her breast. β€œYes.”
Want a chance at that GC?? Tell me what was the original title for Denise’s book Dark, Deadly Love.

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Categories: Harmless

29 Comments on “ATH: Denise Agnew

  1. That was Midnight Rose!

    This one looks great! I think I’ll have to pick it up!


  2. This sounds really good.I enjoyed the excerpt.

    The original title was Midnight Rose.

  3. Midnight Rose was the original title. I like both titles.

    I’m kind of helpless against an Irish accent. I’m pretty sure I’m going to fall for the hero. I’m curious how he will get his revenge. It sounds like a great story!

    User1123 AT comcast DOT net

  4. The original title was Midnight Rose!
    I really love the cover for Before the Dawn… have it on my list of books I want to get… thanks for sharing!

  5. Denise,
    Your stories have always been a deep emotional read for me. And this one is going to be another. Wonderful cause that is what I am…a n emotional reader…LOL

    It’s name was:
    Midnight Rose

    The reason that I know was that I was confused when search on Kindle for your books. And I finally went to Samhain cause I couldn’t find what I was looking for to build wish list.

    Thank you for the give away!


    pommawolf @

  6. The answer you’re looking for is Midnight Rose. This story looks really good and I’m definitely adding it to my wishlist.

    joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

  7. Ooh, looking forward to Before the Dawn, Denise! I love the variety of settings and times for your stories!

    As for Dark, Deadly Love, it was originally titled Midnight Rose. Also a lovely title πŸ˜‰

  8. Yep, Midnight Rose. And I love, loved this excerpt. Denise has another winner on her hands.

    caity_mack at yahoo dot com

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