news - Page 37 of 46 - Melissa Schroeder

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The Cursed Clan is moving to Kindle Unlimited

Hey, everyone! As I have done in the past, I am going to offer a whole series in Kindle Unlimited. The Cursed Clan will move on Friday so you still have a chance to grab any books you might be missing if Amazon is not your choice.

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Seducing the Saint Flash Sale

If you haven’t heard the news, Jason Baca is retiring from modeling after being on more than 600 covers. One of those was Seducing the Saint and when People Online interviewed him, they featured my book. To celebrate his retirement, I reduced the price of Seducing the Saint to .99¢ for the weekend. Grab it […]

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March News

Hey, there! So much is going on this month, that I thought I would let you know about all of it.

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