Five Reasons to Love Imperfect Love - Melissa Schroeder

Five Reasons to Love Imperfect Love

June 13, 2023


Happy Release Day!

I know a lot of people have been waiting for Avery’s book since they read her in Last Love. Music always plays a part in my writing, as every book has its own soundtrack, but this one is particularly important. Avery is a Swiftie and so Taylor Swift songs play a big part of this soundtrack. Make sure you check out TikTok and Instagram reels this week as I feature some of the songs that inspired me.

A little note about the Juniper Spring series. While writing the book, I realized that Becca’s book, which was planned for Forever Love, will work better in a series about her entire family, meaning her three stepbrothers. Because of that, Imperfect Love is the end of this particular series, but not the Camos and Cupcakes World.

  1. It’s Juniper Springs. Creating an entire town or world is one of my favorite things to do. It plays into my Machiavellian soul.
  2. More of Estella Howard. I always thought that I left Estella in a bad place at the end of Love to Hate You. She and Nancy came to an understanding, but I wanted more time with her so that people could understand her a little more.
  3. Avery being a cat lady. First, just an FYI, I have always been a dog person. Mainly because my mom was super allergic to them.
  4. Avery Freaking O’Bryan…and Jon Howard. Don’t get me wrong. I love me some Avery, but the two of them together made my heart melt. There is nothing like finding two characters who complete each other so perfectly.
  5. THE MUSIC. I wanted to have lyric quotes for each chapter, but copyright laws forbid that. But there is a lot of Taylor’s music that inspired the book. If you aren’t a Swiftie, don’t worry, you will still enjoy the book.

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