Changes to My Book Availability - Melissa Schroeder

Changes to My Book Availability

June 11, 2020

So, it has been a year since I pulled my entire catalog from wide distribution. I said it was an experiment. I wanted a long period of time to make my final decision on this because it is hard to tell what is going on with just a month or two of data. After going over all the data for the last few weeks, I have decided to put my books back into wide distribution.

There are a couple factors here. The main one is that I either found myself making about the same amount of money or a little bit less. And while I think it is SOOO much easier to have only one place to upload my books, I feel it best to move back to the wider distribution. I am thankful for all the readers who tried my books for the first time during the last year and my dedicated readers who have been supporting me for years. KU is a great program, but I am one of those odd ducks who isn’t always on the top of lists, but I sell pretty steady everywhere. Also, I had planned on maybe doing this earlier this year, but BN had some issues paying authors right after quarantine started.

That is not to say that my books will not be in KU from time to time. I will probably put a complete series in KU for the 3 months span from time to time. Also, I have not decided what to do with my Accidental Series as it makes sooo much more money in KU. India loves them some regency romance. So, for now, that is the only series staying in KU. But there are a few more changes.

Cursed Clan is leaving on Saturday, and will not go into distribution. The bundle will still be available in KU through early August, but I am planning on repackaging the series with a new series name and new book titles. And yes, there will be a fresh edit and possibly longer books. I will, of course, make sure that readers are alerted to the fact that it used to be The Cursed Clan. It will return to bookstores this fall.

Some of the books will leave KU, but will not be returning to other bookstores for a few weeks. When an author uses KU, they agree to 3 month stints, which renews every three months. Since not all my books went in on the same day, the timetables are different and many of the books in bundles will have to wait. Almost all my books will be back into the other four books stores by the end of August. Love to Hate You will be the last book that I release directly into KU.

If you borrow my book now and it goes off KU, you can still read it and I will get credit for the page reads. Once you return it, you can no longer view it.

Here is the list of books leaving this month. The books with an * are included in bundles that are leaving KU later due to the regulations.

In addition to these books, I will be pulling my freebies and putting them up for sale again. You have until the end of this month to join my newsletter and get these books. If you are already a member, you should be able to get the books using your email addy. Only for Him is staying as free.

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