A Change is Coming for Harmless - Melissa Schroeder

A Change is Coming for Harmless

July 30, 2023

It’s hard to believe that twenty years ago, I was writing A Little Harmless Sex. It released a year later, and my baby is turning 19 this October. While I was thinking about ways to celebrate, I realized that I needed to update a few things, other than justΒ the covers.

The Harmless books are going to go through a metamorphosis during their 19th year to get ready for their 20th birthday. What does that mean?

First, all of the books are getting a clean bill of health, i.e., I am reading through them and updating them. Some will have major updates to fit the new times, and each book is going to get a new epilogue. A few will have new scenes, and here is the exciting bit: There will be surprise appearances in the books. I don’t want to give too much away, but it is going to be fun for all. But don’t worry. I am not changing the core love story while updating it. I will just go deeper into their stories, and add fun Easter eggs for Harmless fans.

The biggest change is how the books will be released. The Harmless Series (Books 1-14) is now going to be split into four different series. There are lots of reasons for this, but mainly that I wanted to group them together by theme or location of most of the book, etc. This will make it easier for readers to find their special little niche inside of the Harmless World.

Keep tuned for more information about the new series order, the release dates, and the beautiful new covers!

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