Updates and Whatnot - Melissa Schroeder

Updates and Whatnot

Things have been crazy as usual. I have had some personal things going on that have interfered with writing. Plus, I have had an issue with Fantasy. Not a bad one. So, the date of the book release has been nudged back a little bit. I am hoping to get it out right after Christmas.

Now, onto the issue with A Little Harmless Fantasy. As I said, it isn’t really a bad one, but it is one of the major reasons it is taking a little longer.  When I planned the book (sidenote, y’all know I sometimes plan, but for the most part, I am a pantzer), I knew it would be at least a little longer.

What has happened is that Fantasy has grown. The storyline, the romance at least, is very complex and I wanted to make sure that I gave these characters what they needed for their happy ever after. At present, I am thinking it will hit about 80k or about 300-320 pages. I am sorry that I didn’t get it out by the time I had set, but I hope that the end result will be wonderful.

I am loving these characters and their story is really making me happy. There are other things on the horizon. Many are Harmless related–I am dying to let the cat out of the bag but I will behave for awhile. 🙂

Look for blogs over the next few weeks about writing the book, character interviews with our three characters and I will have some appearances at some blogs.


Categories: Harmless Books Upcoming